Tuesday 3 July 2012

Quisiera comprar esta casa...

I'd like to buy this house!

Find the following in the plan above
1 corridor
2 terrace
3 staircase
4 office
5 bedroom 1
6a     toilet 1    6b   toilet 2
7 main entrance
8 back door to the garden
9 kitchen
10 lounge
11 living room and dining room
12 bedroom 2

Comprar una casa : to buy a house
Vender una casa : to sell a house
Adquirir una nueva propiedad : to acquire a new property
Ponerla a la venta : to put it on the market
Antes de elegir una vivienda, before buying a residence
será necesario que sigamos unos pasos: it will be necessary that we follow some steps
In primer lugar, first
Antes de comprar una casa : before buying a house
Es fundamental saber qué se busca, it is essential to know what you are looking for
dónde ..where
y cuánto dinero como máximo : what's the maximum (money)
estamos dispuestos a gastarnos : you are ready to spend

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